title: Light Up Your Data with Streamlit use_katex: False class: title-slide # Light Up Your Data with Streamlit!
![:scale 30%](images/streamlit-mark-color.png)
Thomas J. Fan
![:scale 15%](images/labs.jpg)
This talk on Github: thomasjpfan/scipy-2021-streamlit
--- # What is Streamlit? ### Allows you to quickly build web applications and dashboards in `Python` .center[ ![:scale 80%](images/streamlit_dual_window.png) ] --- class: chapter-slide # Three Advantages of Streamlit 🚀 ### (In my opinion) --- # Regular Python Files .center[ ![:scale 90%](images/streamlit_dual_window.png) ] --- # Compatible with Many Visualizations Libraries .g[ .g-4[ ## Matplotlib ![:scale 100%](images/matplotlib.png) ] .g-4[ ## Plotly ![:scale 100%](images/plotly-logomark.png) ] .g-4[ ## Altair ![:scale 100%](images/altair-logo-light.png) ] ] --- # User interactions are simple to write .g[ .g-7[ ```python import os import streamlit as st *penguin = st.radio( "Select a penguin", options=["adelie", "gentoo", "chinstrap"]) st.header(f"Here is a {penguin}!") image_path = os.path.join("images", f"{penguin}.jpeg") st.image(image_path) ``` ] .g-5[ ![:scale 100%](images/streamlit-interact.gif) ] ] --- .g.g-center.g-middle[ .g-6[ # Streamlit's API 💻 ### Text ### Media ### User Interactions ### Visualization ### Layout ] .g-6[ ![:scale 50%](images/streamlit-mark-color.png) ] ] --- .g.g-middle[ .g-6.larger[ ```python import streamlit as st ``` ] .g-6.g-center[ ![:scale 40%](images/streamlit-mark-color.png) ### Demo materials for this talk: [github.com/thomasjpfan/scipy-2021-streamlit-demo](https://github.com/thomasjpfan/scipy-2021-streamlit-demo) ] ] --- class: chapter-slide # Text 🔠 --- # Text Demo 🔠 .g.g-middle[ .g-6[ - `st.title` - `st.header` - `st.subheader` ] .g-6[ - `st.write` - Markdown - Math - DataFrames ] ] --- class: chapter-slide # Media 📸 --- # Media Demo 📸 - `st.image` - `st.audio` - `st.video` --- class: chapter-slide # User Interactions ☎️ --- # User Interactions ☎️ .g[ .g-8[ ```python import os import streamlit as st *penguin = st.radio( "Select a penguin", options=["adelie", "gentoo", "chinstrap"]) st.header(f"Here is a {penguin}!") image_path = os.path.join("images", f"{penguin}.jpeg") st.image(image_path) ``` ] .g-4[ ![:scale 100%](images/streamlit-interact.gif) ] ] --- # User Interactions Demo ☎️ .g[ .g-6[ - `st.button` - `st.checkbox` - `st.radio` - `st.selectbox` - `st.multiselect` - `st.slider` - `st.select_slider` ] .g-6[ - `st.text_input` - `st.number_input` - `st.text_area` - `st.date_input` - `st.time_input` - `st.file_uploader` - `st.color_picker` ] ] --- class: chapter-slide # Visualization 📊 --- # Visualization Demo 📊 .g[ .g-4[ ## Matplotlib ![:scale 100%](images/matplotlib.png) ] .g-4[ ## Plotly ![:scale 100%](images/plotly-logomark.png) ] .g-4[ ## Altair ![:scale 100%](images/altair-logo-light.png) ] ] --- # Matplotlib: use Object-oriented API 🚨 ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4]) ax.set_ylabel('some numbers') st.write(fig) ``` --- class: chapter-slide # Layout 🗄 --- # Layout Demo 🗄 - `st.sidebar` - `st.beta_columns` --- # Performance 🚀 .g[ .g-6[ - `st.cache` to cache function return values - Really useful for data loading ] .g-6[ ```python @st.cache def load_data(): data = pd.read_csv(...) return data ``` ] ] --- # Building a Machine Learning Dashboard 💻 - [A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7062-a-unified-approach-to-interpreting-model-predictions) - [Anchors: High-Precision Model-Agnostic Explanations](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/11491) ```python import streamlit.components.v1 as componenets ``` --- # Streamlit Components! - Libraries with extensions built for Streamlit - Gallery: [streamlit.io/gallery?type=components](https://streamlit.io/gallery?type=components) .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/components-gallery.png) ] --- # Streamlit Components Demo! - [Folium](https://python-visualization.github.io/folium/) & [streamlit-folium](https://github.com/randyzwitch/streamlit-folium) - [HiPlot](https://facebookresearch.github.io/hiplot/index.html) --- # Additional Streamlit API .g[ .g-6[ - [Session State API](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/stable/add_state_app.html) - [Forms](https://blog.streamlit.io/introducing-submit-button-and-forms/) - [Custom Themes](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/stable/theme_options.html) ] .g-6[ ![:scale 80%](images/streamlit-mark-color.png) ] ] --- ![:scale 100%](images/sharing.png) ## [streamlit.io/sharing](https://streamlit.io/sharing) --- .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/app-gallery.png) ] ## [streamlit.io/gallery](https:/streamlit.io/gallery) --- # Other Resources to get started! - [github.com/streamlit/streamlit](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/) - [discuss.streamlit.io](https://discuss.streamlit.io/) .center[ ![:scale 70%](images/discuss.png) ] --- class: title-slide, left .g.g-middle[ .g-7[ # Light Up Your Data with Streamlit! .center[ ![:scale 30%](images/streamlit-mark-color.png) ] 1. Regular Python files 2. Compatible with Many Visualizations Libraries 3. User interactions are simple to write ] .g-5.center[
.larger[Thomas J. Fan]
![:scale 40%](images/labs.jpg)
This talk on Github: github.com/thomasjpfan/scipy-2021-streamlit
] ]