Train the model using libsvm (low-level method)

Xarray-like, dtype=float64, size=[n_samples, n_features]
Yarray, dtype=float64, size=[n_samples]

target vector

svm_type{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, optional

Type of SVM: C_SVC, NuSVC, OneClassSVM, EpsilonSVR or NuSVR respectively. 0 by default.

kernel{‘linear’, ‘rbf’, ‘poly’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘precomputed’}, optional

Kernel to use in the model: linear, polynomial, RBF, sigmoid or precomputed. ‘rbf’ by default.

degreeint32, optional

Degree of the polynomial kernel (only relevant if kernel is set to polynomial), 3 by default.

gammafloat64, optional

Gamma parameter in rbf, poly and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. 0.1 by default.

coef0float64, optional

Independent parameter in poly/sigmoid kernel. 0 by default.

tolfloat64, optional

Numeric stopping criterion (WRITEME). 1e-3 by default.

Cfloat64, optional

C parameter in C-Support Vector Classification. 1 by default.

nufloat64, optional

0.5 by default.

epsilondouble, optional

0.1 by default.

class_weightarray, dtype float64, shape (n_classes,), optional

np.empty(0) by default.

sample_weightarray, dtype float64, shape (n_samples,), optional

np.empty(0) by default.

shrinkingint, optional

1 by default.

probabilityint, optional

0 by default.

cache_sizefloat64, optional

Cache size for gram matrix columns (in megabytes). 100 by default.

max_iterint (-1 for no limit), optional.

Stop solver after this many iterations regardless of accuracy (XXX Currently there is no API to know whether this kicked in.) -1 by default.

random_seedint, optional

Seed for the random number generator used for probability estimates. 0 by default.

supportarray, shape=[n_support]

index of support vectors

support_vectorsarray, shape=[n_support, n_features]

support vectors (equivalent to X[support]). Will return an empty array in the case of precomputed kernel.


number of support vectors in each class.


coefficients of support vectors in decision function.


intercept in decision function

probA, probBarray

probability estimates, empty array for probability=False